Saturday, 27 May 2017

Review: The Burning Sky

The Burning Sky The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I guess i am in my lucky week with 4th continuous read getting a 4+ star rating.

Rating this book was hardest thing to do for me. I wanted to rate it a 5 star because i really enjoyed it but i guess just enjoying the book doesnt matter. The only reason i am not rating it 5 star bcs of few things which wasnt explained very much properly and i might even add them as a Book sins.

I never understood the "Inquisters " other than that they are people of Atlantis but they are likely controlling even the kingdom of domain but at various locations it was more or less told to us that domain may declar war against atlantis which likely brings up a lots of question. If domain is under Atlantis supression then how can it be a separate kingdom and if it is separate kingdom them how come the agency of other kingdoms torches the king of domain.

The political aspect of the book was very much unclear and hopefully it will be more likely explained in the next book. I would have rated this book 5 star if the political setting and foregin policy of the kingdom was more properly explained like the army/inquestor and its minions roaming in the domain when they actually belong to Atlantis.

I am expecting more explanations regarding the political setting in the future books and hopefully it will be more clearer.

The romance part of the book was not expectional but it wasnt bad either there were many areas where it was good . The relationship was not properly explained in the current book but hopefully more explanations will come in the future..

I am very much worried after the end of the first book that there will be too many "BOOK SINS" in the series which i hate a lot. So hopefully it will be all well explained.

Final Remarks: A good plot setting but requires lot of explanation to the Political aspect.

View all my reviews

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